But it is really annoying that the global team is rushing everything to catch up to the JP and Korean version of the game. They drop banner after banner with good units, but you just can't collect enough gems to summon for every unit. So it's waiting for the next good unit or waiting till you get the unit on another banner oooor you pull out your credit card and start whaling. The rates for SSR characters are really terrible.
Besides the summoning you actually need to buy character skins with gems so that you can compete in PvP with other whales to get your weekly gems.
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5.0好不容易人家出國際版 你們為了每天看3個廣告又腐皮了 沒有中文的時候又一直投訴沒有中文 這世界不是為你們而行的吧 沒有愛的就繞道吧