Alright guys, This game's the best game I've ever played on mobile. Story line, music, VA, char design, almost everythings mastered. The only problem would be that the game's heavy grind. Even whalers have to grind at a certain point. And also, a lot of people call it botw copy.. But its false! I've played the game and the only common thing is the game mechanics which is the same for every other genre. This is a new genre in itself so yes people will call it like that. Under close comparison, I noticed many differences and the two games are completely different!
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5.0我知道有人会有闪退的问题其实根本原因在安装包问题 你可以尝试直接去国际服官网点击下载会到其他页面提示你到外网下载 实在不行复制这个但是在这个页面一定要开VPN 然后就是神器小验证记住一定是直接下载然后安装了 记得要开加速器,再不行找我单独问就这样 当然我也是从国服跑路的,爷的甘雨和胡桃啊 爷的四命琴啊。
4.4開服玩到現在,56級了,玩久了沒東西做,就每天上上線做做委託花完體力就沒了,啊?活動?什麼時候有活動?我已經饑渴難耐了! 剛剛看了原神的部分評論,表示......嘖,原神玩家真慘,不說繼續被誤會,說了又被罵原X,現在的玩家素質都這麼差的嗎[為什麼] 要罵就罵,反正我不會反抗,你們說什麼就是什麼,說我原X就是原X,反正最後還是各玩各的,最後我不理你你不理我,偽和平結局[睡覺][睡覺] -------分割線------- 一週年活動扣死了,我從未見過這麼扣的一週年 ————2022 08 24———— 哦豁要2週年了