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死亡愛麗絲 | 國際版

死亡愛麗絲 | 國際版

SINoALICE | Global

Mr. Bayercat


It's hard to put a finger on what I like or dislike about this game completely. Here are some standout notes, for me. Your mileage will respectfully vary.
The art direction and graphics are really pretty decent to beautiful. The animations are dated.
The sound design is actually really good. It fit the atmosphere to a "T."
Then there is the story. The degree of enjoyment will vary radically between people. I found it shallow amd unfullfilling.
I understand how it is supposed to a dark version/alternate world/take on some grim fairy tales, but it was trying to be so dark and edgy, that sinOalice ran straight into being silly.
I enjoyed the experiment. Played for about 30 hours casually, then uninstalled.
There is absolutely an audience for this game, but I don't know how much saturation it will have in the market overall, and I don't see it lasting more than a year or so globally in it's current state.
I would go more into the battle system and the like, but some of our other patrons have laid it(and the gacha system), out so thoroughly, I didn't the need to elaborate in an almost identical manner. Basically, I agree with more of the downside comments a bit more. Which is a pity.


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一開始的首抽很重要!!盡量要拿到3SR再開局(不然會沒武器)。等了超久的,終於開服可以玩了(๑•̀ᄇ•́)و ✧ [色色][色色]

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