So the gacha prices in Exos arent very good. There is a ginger lad who actually did a whale guide on youtube and mentioned which packages are worth it, and he makes a good case for what is an outright ripoff.
The big thing I would emphasize is keeping an eye on your achievements. There are so many ways to get xes before paying real cash, and they are totally things you are going to be doing anyway.
Probably some of the most stunning waifus collected in one game. I'm talking prime grade future ex-waifu material.
Exos Heroes still feels fresh. This means a couple of things. A) New content/charecters are constantly being added, there is a lot to do. B) There are truly some bizarre balancing/game quirks that will hopefully be addressed. Why these two points are so important is the meta for this game is SO volatile, with each week a new character/issue may be changed/fixed and decimate a previous thought unbeatable rotation.
It can be crazy frustrating in pvp, which is oddly the funnest puzzle to tackle. Because nothing is quite as funny/infuriating as beating the piss out of people one week, having One new character/FC drop(!), and now you are shit. I haven't seen a whole lot of nerfing, just counter meta characters, and it is really REALLY a fascinating way to go about handling balance.
This is one of the best gachas of the year.
當前遊戲的更多評論 更多
1.8这个彻底的拒绝向前走的亚游产业开始让人陷入绝望。 看着“韩游除了画面一无是处”、“日游好玩法粪运营”、“国产无耻抄抄抄”的状况十几年,游戏这个产业在十几年的技术更新换代之后本质上仍然没有任何的变化,发展到手游上也依然是把一两种成功模式的套路复制复制再复制,继续把各地游戏的最愚蠢的那一部分发扬光大,毫无进步思维,然后又把这个止步不前的思想作为下一代培养的基础体系继续发扬下去,真的是一言难尽的绝望。