songs: different varieties of songs, i like em but i wish there were more unique ones like striking diamond that shit went so hard. the songs in general are good, not perfect, but good.
characters: theres ALOT of different bands and they all have one unique genre or whatchamacallit. theyre cute and cool, the designs on em are also interesting.
gameplay: holy shit its challenging, i like it. it can be pretty easy if you get used to it, but even if you do get used to it there can still be some songs that can be pretty hard
art: the artstyle is so cutee..
ui: its pretty good and not all over the place and it fits the game
當前遊戲的更多評論 更多
5.022.10 一个手游里能结合街机、体感、音游这么多种形式实属罕见。题材也新,我不确定偶像时代(流行很偏僻的一个)还有多久,但它给予偶像的最新理解是长寿的。 21.7.26 判定在同级别的游戏中算好的, 而且滑动的灵敏度也足够,几乎轻轻一按就成。 有五种键位可玩度很高,当然也有相当难度, 补充一下,视线最好在接近判定线的位置。 太往上容易出现错误判断。 设定有点多,需要慢慢调。 卡牌的稀有度居然分了有十余种之多, 观察下来也可能会比较肝, 不过乐曲很好,角色也有很多是来自有名的声优, 也不失为一个好的入坑选择。 故事没看,介绍里所讲的基本剧情应该是还可以 刚发现好像和d4dj是同一个厂商开发的。