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貓咪和湯 | 韓英版

貓咪和湯 | 韓英版

CATS & SOUP | Korean/English



A cute idle game for cat lovers! Best when bored and you wanna past time and just chill. This game can have or you may have to watch a lot of ads though its not a big bother for me. Still its a pretty nice game though sometimss you can get bored, this isn't a game I would play all the time but I would come to check in everyday or every then and so. The artstyle is very cute though so a bonus for that. It of course may get boring at some point but then again this isn't a game you would play all the time Overall its still such a cute game and the ambience of this game is very chill. Though again it features a few ads and stuff.

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真的好喜欢这个游戏,太太太可爱了吧ớ ₃ờ,很喜欢这种休闲治愈小游戏,虽说不是中文的,但是不影响玩耍的,猫猫真的好可爱!!!!!!!!!唯一的就是游戏里面会下雨,我还不晓得能不能买雨棚什么,猫猫淋雨,不会感冒的嘛ಠ~ಠ ,至少给猫猫一个雨伞呀,猫猫也会休息,只是还是可以说可以有床什么的✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧,猫猫的睡颜,我也想看!!!! 总之就是特别推荐啦!!!(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

一开始只是当作单机游戏玩,手机刷机忘记备份一次,更新打不开数据丢失一次,后来在ourplay下载,也有了存档功能。现在是每次关闭前都保存一次。防止下次升级又丢失数据。 猫猫做汤,剁菜,做果汁,捅马蜂窝。。。哈哈哈哈哈太可爱了很治愈。音效什么的也很好。开始页厂商现在好像多了一家公司,希望还能保持初心,一直撸猫下去。我不氪金,但是我会多看几个广告的哈哈哈。 给个小提示建议,有金币就升级,别囤,越高级金币也越来的越快

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