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Gacha Club



I used to play this mainly before, I only recently somewhat got back into it so here I am writing an review. This is like a dress up game where you can make your own oc's and go to the studio to rp with them or create a story. Or sometimes I use this app so I can try and draw my oc's and this being my reference. For dressing up and such, its better than many dressing up games. There are many options and many possibilities and you can create many things. But there are also other stuff like this battle system with somewhat of a storyline and a gacha system so you can get characters and such for your team. These are optional stuff in the game, so this isn't going to really affect my review here. I think its good or ok for what it is, the gacha system is good too, its not like its bad or anything. Its fun to do in your free time but there really isn't much to it. There are also many minigames which I personally like more and do in my free time for higher scores. But then again these things are not going to really affect my review because this game is mainly a dress up game and that's that. Overall its great game! Its just the bgm and sound effects get so boring and annoying at somepoint so I just turn it off.

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可以清除账号,初始刷个痛快, 游戏没有体力,刷图刷个痛快, 打怪会掉砖石,抽奖抽个痛快,



各种画风真的是很满足啊 无论怎么看都是 免费素材?(阿不是) 不过嘛 玩坏了一个三天的号发现了 抽到重复人物还是很重要的啊(尤其是输出 不过小游戏3000换一个角色 后续1000一个 里面也有不错的范围攻击和单体攻击 堆满就是一个双倍属性战神) 然后是能量补充 能量的话被动加上限和补充速度的不太好用 果然还是直接回MP来的痛快 也有技能补充MP的 就当白嫖了 然后是回血 回血推荐用单体伤害+恢复 25MP的不够灵活 (很多时候想用用不出来) 至少这是我现在清楚的www

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