魔法使的約定 | 日版 筆記

星藍 遊戲獵人 ​🌟各式傳送門集中串🌟 為避免置頂文過多,這邊將各式攻略相關以及譯文做了集中整理。
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/886168
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/913958
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/914124
 ⇒ https://reurl.cc/4yagZ2
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/922800
(1)ALL999覺醒角色攻略 -酒場篇-:
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/915935
(2)ALL999覺醒角色攻略 -城堡篇-:
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/925076
(3)ALL999覺醒角色攻略 -雨街篇-:
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/937524
(4)指定覺醒角色育成攻略 -冰森篇-:
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/928924
(5)缺錢?想練等?最佳自動地點介紹 -病沼篇-:
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/923091
(6)想刷素材?最佳自動地點介紹 -沙霧德森林篇-
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/928639
(7)跳蚤市場尋寶去!最佳手動地點介紹 -泡街篇-
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/939292
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/935662
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/910175
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/701910
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/465921
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/874724
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/877652
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/348413
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/348414
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/348416
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/348419
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/348422
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/348431
 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/348432
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 ⇒ https://notes.qoo-app.com/note/348435
#まほやく #まほやく攻略
狂恋你 绑定不了谷歌账号 是因为这事qoo服吗 閲讀正文
芊٩๑òωó๑۶ 玩了那麼久,第一次知道原來烤箱也能「大成功」......😳
芊٩๑òωó๑۶ 小帳最後一次的東國五週年限定池


熱門話題 換一批
熱門遊戲 換一批
熱門筆記 更多
Introduction to Card System 1卡牌系統介紹1 大家好 今天向大家介紹卡牌系統的相關內容,本周先介紹上半部分內容 1卡牌的品質 卡牌分為三重不同的品質:SSR - SR - R 在遊戲的初始版本中,預計將會包含12個SSR角色+3個SR角色+3個R角色 上線後續預計將會以每月1-2個角色的速度更新 2卡牌的劇情 每個角色都會有自己的角色劇情 SR和R品質的角色將包含兩個角色劇情:1段邂逅劇情+1段婚後劇情 SSR品質的卡牌將包含三個角色劇情:1段邂逅劇情+2段婚後劇情 玩家在獲取角色後,就可以解鎖邂逅劇情,體驗和角色初次相遇的故事 想要解鎖婚後劇情,必須首先向您心愛的角色送上一枚神聖的結婚戒指和一些女孩子喜歡的禮物,之後就可以開啟精彩絕倫的婚後劇情了 大家肯定很關心結婚戒指的獲取管道,玩家可以在主線劇情的通關獎勵和部分運營活動中獲取到一些結婚戒指,但是想要獲得全部的結婚戒指,可能還是需要小氪支持一下了~~ 當然,遊戲裏也會免費贈送一些劇情內容,畢竟大家還是要體驗到婚後劇情的精彩程度才能决定是否氪金支持~ 3:卡牌皮膚 遊戲將會為卡牌設計各種各樣性感可愛的皮膚,獲得皮膚將會新增角色的内容,但是不會改變角色的技能效果 4:卡牌的配音 我們聘請了專業配寘X限定的日本聲優對遊戲進行了配音,除了角色和皮膚的普通配音外,所有婚後劇情也將會有全程配音 啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~~呀滅雅蠛啊啊啊啊啊! 下周我將向大家介紹遊戲中卡牌的抽卡和養成功能 另外,由於日本地區某平臺的排他要求,Qoo版本將不會提供日文版本,只提供繁體中文版本和英文版本 hello everyone Today, I will introduce the relevant content of the card system to everyone This week, we will first introduce the first half of the content The quality of one card Cards are divided into three different qualities: SSR-SR-R In the initial version of the game, it is expected to include 12 SSR characters, 3 SR characters, and 3 R characters After going online, it is expected to be updated at a rate of 1-2 roles per month The plot of 2 cards Each character will have their own storyline SR and R-quality characters will consist of two character storylines: 1 encounter plot and 1 post marriage plot SSR quality cards will include three character storylines: 1 encounter plot+2 marriage plot After obtaining the character, players can unlock the encounter plot and experience the story of their first encounter with the character To unlock the post marriage plot, you must first give your beloved character a sacred wedding ring and some gifts that girls like, and then you can start the exciting and unparalleled post marriage plot Everyone must be very concerned about the way to obtain wedding rings. Players can obtain some wedding rings through the rewards of completing the main storyline and some operational activities. However, if they want to obtain all the wedding rings, they may still need the support of Little Krypton~~ Of course, some plot content will also be given away for free in the game, after all, everyone still needs to experience the excitement of the post marriage plot before deciding whether to spend money to support it~ 3: Card Skin The game will design various sexy and cute skins for cards. Obtaining skins will increase the character's attributes, but will not change the character's skill effects 4: Card dubbing We have hired a Japanese voice actor with professional configuration X to dub the game. In addition to the regular voice acting of characters and skins, all post marriage plotlines will also have full voice acting Ah, ah, ah, ah~~~Ah, Mieya, ah, ah! Next week, I will introduce to you 大下週我將休假,因為大下週是今年京都紅葉的最佳觀賞期,所以我必休假 哈哈哈 大家也可以關注官方discord: https://discord.gg/syYU4TaAwR